electric cell

cell1 (def 7a).
Examples from the web for electric cell
  • The solar-electric cell and module industry is growing.
  • Photoelectric smoke detectors contain a light source and a light-sensitive electric cell.
  • Battery-powered tools, camcorders, and computers are among a proliferation of emerging uses for the electric cell.
  • Lighting to be controlled by photo-electric cell and contactor.
  • Fillings, in conjunction with saliva, make up an electric cell.
  • Thus, spinach proteins could be used as a photo battery or solar electric cell.
  • The sign is operated by a photo-electric cell so that during the daylight hours the display is inactive.
electric cell in Science
electric cell  
A device, such as a battery, that is capable of changing some form of energy, such as chemical energy or radiant energy, into electricity. Also called voltaic cell. ◇ An electric cell that converts light energy into electrical energy using the photoelectric effect is called a photoelectric or photovoltaic cell; such cells are used in the generation of solar power and are called solar cells. See also galvanic.